Borde lyssna på engelskan.

2013-01-29 @ 14:14:21 i Allmänt
61: Have you ever TPd someone’s house? Nej.

62: Who do you text the most? Tobbe eller Linnea eller jag vet inte.

63: What was the last movie you saw? Öh, kollar fan aldrig på filmer. The Hunger Games kanske?

64: What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? Har ingen partner, nope.

65: How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2010? 1 eller ingen kanske, vet inte.

66: Is the last person you kissed younger than you? Nej!

67: Do you curse around your parents? Ja!

68: Are you happy with where you live? Haha, skogen, ja..

69. Picture of yourself? Scrolla neeer..

70. Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? Nej jag är nog monogam när jag väl är i ett förhållande. Annars, nej.

71. Have you ever been dumped? Japp.

72. What do you most like about making out? Det är gosigt och spännande och mysigt.

73. Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with? Haha, ja.

74. When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? Jag för jag är mannen.

75. What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? Axlar, nyckelben, ansikte.

76. Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed? Alexander.

77. Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? Nej.

78. Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name? Haha, inte det riktiga namnet.

79. What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? Den där första känslan av kärleken, precis i början, när killen tittar på dig och du vågar hålla kvar blicken lite extra.

80. Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? Haha, inte just nu, i denna ålder.

81. Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? Ja!

82. Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? Nja, vissa kanske.

83. Do you miss your last sweetie? Lite kanske.

84. Last time you slow danced with someone? Minns intee!

85. Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? Haha, nej?

86. How can I win your heart? Om du är intelligent, ärlig, omtänksam och rolig. Och lång med fräknar på axlarna.

87. What is your astrological sign? Vattuman!

88. What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Var i skolan typ?

89. Do you cook? Jag har väl mina ögonblick ibland, ja!

90. Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? Japp!


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